Sunday, November 13, 2011

This Little Doll of Mine

Apparently I won't be able to find a legit CAW world in time to start my legacy (SPOILER). So, I'm asking my dear friends for one more favour.

I need a doll.

Not a scary, weird, deco doll. But a doll that the children can play with, and set up on a shelf for later. A doll that they can put in their inventory and sleep withit, take it to school, pay with it everywhere!

I have an american girl doll that I love. And I used to do that^^ with my stuffed bear. (Are there any of those w/o the overalls? My bear doesn't wear those. But my bear is also a cross dresser, seeing as how somedays its a boy, and others, a girl.)

You don't have to MAKE me a doll, just.. lead me to one that won't eff up my game. Like, doll-dressed, or whatever that stoopid thing is called. I don't want that!

Thanks in advance for anyone who can find me a perfect little doll for my legacy girls. (More SPOILER.)

Maybe Elmo, for my little boys? Just spewing ideas now!

With Love,


  1. Ohmygawd your starting a new legacy congrats!!!

  2. I'm feeling awesome since I already knew that :3
    Unfortunately I can't help you D:

  3. Ah well. Thanks anyway! And you should feel awesome, haha!
