Saturday, December 31, 2011

Friday, December 30, 2011

2 Simple Things

1.) Fabian Sedlock is back with three, thats right, THREE new chapters. And she's getting some swagger now that she's making a diffrence.

2.) HOLY HALLULUYAH! I got sims 3 pets for Christmas and I'm sooo happy! In the future of the legacy *SPOILER* Be expecting; a pet, a move, and romance ;)

Love Always,

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hurr Hurr

Herro >.<

Sooo, I have a question. Have you ever made a sim after a real person, then they started acting like that person? Like, do your simselves ever do something that you instantly think, "I'd sooo do that ;)" What makes me think of this, is my simmieself, (whom I was playing little less then an hour ago!) pulled this in the hot tub:

Splashity Splash.

I mean, this reminded of the quote my friend sent me earlier, "You always have that friend that makes you laugh with their stupidity." It was pretty mean, but I couldn't help but laugh, because I'm fascinated with little things, which is pretty funny to the rest of my friends and family(:

Mmk, so I didn't post on here just to laugh at myself....

I'm being serious.

Someone get the serious font.

Here goes.

I'm thinking of doing a modeling comp? And even better, I'm thinking of hosting one. I need to make my mind up really soon, because New Years is a cool theme, dontyathink? A New Years Eve photo shoot! :D Well, mayb not this year....

Still, what do you think? Think Sim KK and I could dominate? Probably not but yanno whateves! It's all about trying ;) Are you guys in any modeling comps right now? Hosting one? Something with a duck? You can share ;)

Love Always,
Khaos <3

Monday, December 19, 2011

Oscar Meyer Weiner

Neiner neiner neiner, oscar meyer weiner!
With ketchup, & cheese baby,
Don't break my heart baby,
The melted kind.

So sorry about that!

Or... not.

Soo, happy early Christmas/Hannukah/Quanza! I'll be posting several things Christmas day for sure, so, when you get home, or get somewhere after your Christmas party, be sure to check that out! :) Lots of Christmas presents from your loverly neighborhood Khaos!

I was hoping to borrow some simselves or summink? I mean, everyone likes to see their sims in stuff, ammirite? Khaos (Mee!) is kind of throwing a super awesome Christmas party! And, if anybody celebrates something diffrent, like Hannukah, (Please excuse the horrid spelling for me, wills yuh? :D) I'll be sure to incorporate your traditions in too! :)

If you want to give me your sim, but don't want other people to have their grubby hands on him/her, just message me HERE.

Also, if you want, you can also give me a link to a cute costume you like? It can be a costume party..! Costume isn't required though :)

Love always,
Khaos <3

Monday, December 12, 2011

Still Grounded.

Yepp! Apparently it was bad. ANYWHO I'm working on a new world. Well, some chick over at TS3 site made it, but suckishly. So, I'm remaking it to be a kingdom! I even have freaky weirdos! Ohhhh yesh! It's actually called St. Carrington, and there are, like, 10 lots. 3 have houses on them. Whyyyy are you so lazyyyy?

I'll be sure to post pictures at some point. I think there'll be a cool story to go along with it. I hope so anyway.

I'll be back sooner than I was before, sorry for that absence, but I'm prepping for my boyfriend's b-day :)

Love Always,
Khaos <3

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Something of the Sort

So, the reason I'm not around lately is because I'm kind of grounded from the internet. Like, we use a moble hotspot, and I'm not supposed dl things, but I usually do anyway. I just watch myself. Well, this weekend I decided to clean out all my cc (which isn't lasting, I'm putting it back in right now :D) and dl my store stuff, yanno, which was kind of alot. Well, I guess I just lost track or something, and now we have 50% remaining. Yay.

And in all honestly, I'm starting to think I'm not the only here who's grounded, despite the fact most of you are 18 & up. Because where are you guys? No one has been posting much, at least when I last checked it. What did you guys think of my story I wrote? Was it good...? I hope so.

As for my legacy, I'm on chapter 8, where you guys are on chapter 3. And after I finish writing this I plan on writing more. So... Yeah. you're way behind, and it is completely my fault, I'm really sorry. I don't like posting months apart, but that's just how it is, I guess. I don't like it either, trust me.

So, hows your week been? Having fun? Are you grounded too? Why? Talk to me!!!! I won't be able to check it immediatly but yanno whateves!

Love Always,
Khaos <3

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Star Struck

So what do you think? :D


Where are all you simmers? Did you like, drop out of the earth of summink? WHERE ARE YOU???