Sunday, July 31, 2011

Oh, Glee Writers.

Oh, oh, OH!!!! So apparently Lea Michele(Rachel), Cory Monteith(Finn), and Chris Colfer(Kurt <3) are NOT off Glee, they are just guest stars. Okay then. What about Chord Overstreet? (Sam) I don't know. Important part? CHRIS/KURT AREN'T LEAVING!!!!! YES!!!!!!!

Anywho, on a sim-related note, I thought I would share a few facts about my simself, Khaos. (Not sure if my favorites and traits are applied to her yet or not but they should be about the same. I change alot, okay? <3)

Traits: Loner, Bookworm, Good, Unlucky, Artistic.
Favorites: Food: PBJ
                  Color: Black & Orange (Either, I love both.)
                  Music: Pop or Hip Hop. (Occasionally Rap, but that's not an option.)

And if your interested, here's her download linkage. She looks diffrent.

An updated picture of her:

She's prettyful, right?

Dragon Cave

I hast discovered a new site, beloveds. Called Dragon Cave, you can steal eggs, and to hatch they have to have views and such. So I ask my very naice readers. Please. View my eggs. Here are the linkages:

<a href=" src="" style="border-width: 0" alt="Adopt one today!"/></a>

<a href=" src="" style="border-width: 0" alt="Adopt one today!"/></a>

<a href=" src="" style="border-width: 0" alt="Adopt one today!"/></a>

<a href=" src="" style="border-width: 0" alt="Adopt one today!"/></a>

I have four eggs, two of which are the same. It was an accident, but they are still pretty cool right???

Saturday, July 30, 2011

NOOOOOO!!!! KURT!!!!!!!!

He is the greatest guy in the history of forever! I don't even care if he's gay!!!!!! THEY CANNOT LET KURT/CHRIS GRADUATE!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOO!!!!
Yes. I'm quite ticked at the prospect of glee with out my favoritest charachter in the world.  After I watched him on glee, I really wanted a gay friend. I still do, I mean, but anyway. He's shouldn't be allowed to graduate. He's too cool for that. I shall miss you, Kurt Hummel.

But since I can't control that, I can keep Kurt alive with some of his quotes XD

Or a ton. Anyway, Enjoy :)

Will: Its not the song, you guys just need to get into it.
Kurt: No, its the song, its really gay.

You need to call me before you dress yourself. You look like a Technicolor zebra

You can’t kick people out of Glee Club because you don’t like the way they look!

Kurt: Maybe Quinn is lactose intolerant.
Artie: That doesn’t explain all the crying

Oh Bambi, I cried so hard when those hunters shot your mommy

Kurt:Can we please talk about the giant elephant in the room?
Santana: Your sexuality?

I don’t understand how lightning is in competition with an above-ground swimming pool.

Though I’ve been grouped with the boys, my allegiance still remains with you ladies. They declined my offer to do their hair in cornrows and all of my artistic decisions have been derided as too costly because they involve several varieties of exotic bird feathers

You know why they call them slushies, don’t you? Cause it’s what your butt looks like if you have too many of them

At least you don’t have to worry about me getting someone pregnant.

We all know that I am more popular than Rachel. And I dress better than her.

Raise your right hand. Your right hand, Brittany.

Burt: Congrats on the kool-aid or the hi-c.
Kurt: High F

I love you Kurt!!! And thank you too Chris Colfer for being a great actor, and making Kurt Hummel such a believable charachter. On the Prom episode, I even cried. And I don't ever cry for tv.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New Inquirements

Do me a flavour? Go to this website, and tell meh. Is that not a sweeet idea? Maybeh next season I could offer up a simmeh.

Oh crap! I forgot, that link is season 2, episode 3. Here's the homepage linkage

This brand new Linkage is to season 1, episode 1.

Epic, that's what that is. I'm not quite sure how it works, but hey. It's cool, and I enjoy reading. So you read/watch it, and lemmeh know, was it as epic for you as it was for me? Or am I a spaz?
And I thought I would supply a nice photo of my favorite sim on the show, Isis. Right now, she's on the block. WE MUST PRAY SHE DOES NOT GET ELIMINATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hai Chaos. Have I Met You Before?

And videogame slammage

And maybeh some snogging for the road!

This post should have been up weeks ago, tbh, but alas it was not meant to be. I will post it eventually.

Just incase your wondering, The ginger here is the Founder to the Vintage Legacy, written by Zombeh. And I suggest youise guise read it!

And no, I shan't tell you who she sucking face with!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Oh my Hoodness!!

Hai there! I just thought I would introduce you guys to the main character to my up-and-coming story-and-his-name is *breathes*
Eric Marx!

But don't love him too much nao. He's not your team ;) Or is he? Guess you gotta find out dontcha?

Thars' a Storm a brewin'      <--------- And I'm not even kidding :( When I get the blog set up for this, you betcha I will give youise guise a link.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Some people may have noticed I use alot of CC in my game. If you see something you like, just let me know here. I usually get my stuff from Peggy, and sometimes **shivers** the exchange. I will do my best to send you off in the right direction. Thanks!

(No offense, but if it came from the exchange I cannot help you.)

Think up something, I have nothing.

Yeah I'm still super excited!! I think Town Live Stuff comes out July 26th, but don't quote me on that.

In other news, do I have any Harry Potter Fans? I am just dying to see the new Harry Potter. I have read all the books and seen all the movies.... BUM BUM BUH!!! But I haven't seen the last one. Part 2. Depressing much?

And on a simmy note, I have Chapter Five written. Just to see what you guys think it's about, I will tell you the title: Seer. Can any take a guess? Seer should be up in Monday afternoon, Or Tuesday morning. Oh yeah, Rexy and her hubby Eli will be on the exchange by Tuesday at the latest. I have one question for you guys though. Should I upload them one by one? Or...... should I upload them as a household, when they *SPOILER* stop having babies? And, no, Rexy isn't pregnant again. Yet.... If I upload them as a household, won't that make them take LONGER to download?

Anyways, have you guys seen the Harry Potter movie yet?  What do you think Chapter 5 is gonna be about? Household or Single?

Saturday, July 9, 2011


So, cc. Everyone knows about it and pretty much knows how to use it. But I just have to know. Is it as cool as the new Sims 3 Town Stuff? I must admit, I seen that and my first thought was, "YEYY! I must have it." I didn't even check the release date... But I am just dying to get it. Who wouldn't? If you guys have seen, well, any of the towns, they aren't very... Good.... Persay. And I'm just as addicted to the compizzle as the next guy but sheesh! I am way to exited for this thing.

Are you guys excited? Lemme know in the comments!

Friday, July 8, 2011

I acknowlege you. You's birthday!

I think a cool thing to do would be to acknowlege those who have birthdays each month. So what I shall do is I am going to make a comic for each month's birthday. Or something of the like. Something to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUUUUDE!!!!!! The first of every month is when I want to get them up, if I can. Anyways, as always, let me know what you think by leaving me a comment!
<3 Khaos

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Khaos Kraze: A firework blast

This is only pictures. I want you to use your imagination to think up dialogoue, and such. Say anything interesting you think up in the comments 'kay?

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th! I has presents!

Okay, so maybe not right now do I has presents, but they will be here tomorow. Two new chapters of the Carters Legacy in one day plus we get to meet my new simself v. 1 playing with fireworks and enjoyin the fourth of july on the fifth of july.

On a RL note, I hope everybody had a great fourth of july and got to spend a ton of time with their family. Why don't you guys comment and tell me what you did for your fourth of july? you don't need an account to comment :)