Sunday, November 6, 2011



So, Fury's site is down, dunno where she went, and it's something about Jesus. Really? Whyyyy? Of all things, it was God, and Jesus? That's so... UnFury-like.

And next of all, I can't post any pictures or be online much AT ALL, because I have used half of our internet usage, which doesn't re-givemehmorefreakingtime, until the 20th. Yeah. 14 days. ARGHHH!

Not only that, but I am also going a little mad, (in my head) because I have not talked to my interwebbed friends since Fury's site went away. I NEED PEOPLE TO TALK TO DARNNIT!

Because, I get on facebook(personal, I don't have a sims one.) And all I see is my whore-friend cyber-flirting Likeee Thiiiss Becauseee Thisss Isn'ttt Creepyyy At Alllll. :/ Actually, she isn't even my friend, I honestly hate her...!

And even worse, my legacy game is sooo freaking laggy. I can't DO anything, because of lag. Every other save file is okay, except the important one. Whyyy me?

I guess I better go, becaus eif not, I will probably explode with agitation. But you should still talk to me.....

With Love & Anger~


  1. love yah Khaos. Your lucky I can't even play my Sims. Tried everything. I know bout FRS its like been down I dont know why. Hey Hey got a new blog check it out....

  2. Rubber unicorns? BWAHAHAH! I'm checking it out now(= Looks cool!

    I'm sorry your sims game sucks. You should sue.

    And I love yah too. I truly needed that!

    I dunno what up with Fury, hope all is well with her. I miss stalking the forums. I lost all my pic edits too. Well, kinda. I liked having them all in one spot yanno?

    I'm in denial. I miss reading her legacy. All my favorite legacies are on hold. Wtffffff?! *Sigh* Some people I only talked to on that site. Whywhywhwywhy do the good die young? OMFG! WHAT IF FURY IS DEAD?!

  3. Excuse the wall of text. I have alot of things to say(:

  4. Rubber Unicorns Ah-mazing. Its ok bout my game. Yah. Aww sorry bout the pic edits. OMFG dont say that she died!!!!

  5. It may have happened. I hope not, but it may. So, what are you wishing for on Friday? It's 11-11-11(:(:


    I sooo can't wait!!!xD

  6. I dont know what I'm wishing for. I so can't wait!!!

  7. Seriously I'm dying back here in Sweden. I've lost so many friends that I had on FuryRedSays just because she removed the freaking site. Check out her old blogspot page. She said she got tired of the game, and that she don't have enough money to keep the website running.
    Just remembered you had a blog and we were talking a bit on FuryRedSays and I have a lot of anger to take out atm. There are not many people that I will keep in touch with now. It's Naomi, and then I know yours, Ban's and Zombeh's blogs. Amagad imma stop writing now. Gosh Tova you did it again >.>

  8. will do, tova. Oh, I missd you! And I agree with everything you just type. I hope I get to keep my friends from that site, but if not, well, there won't be anyting I can do..... Sorry for sp, on a cellular device haha! But it really ticks m off, I wannted to see the legacy, plus er friends, and people investe alot of time there. Am I ranting for all te reasons

    and zombeh, I can't wait either, I'm so ecited!
