Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I Just forgot my witty title -__-

Hi guys! Have you ever wanted something, so bad, that you just felt everything inside you blowing up? Nah, me either. But I do really want Pets. I think they'd fit in perfectly with my whole theme right now, that YOU wouldn't know of, because it's just in my game. So there.

I hate rain, it gives me a headache. I mean, sursly? I know, I know, it feeds the plants, BUT I JUST HATE IT SO MUCH! I had such a bad headache last night, I wanted to vomit.And I NEVER vomit. Something to so with a weak stomach? Ah, whatever it is I probably have it.

So, My simmeh self has gained and lost some traits. This is an old picture, but it has the right details. So, nyah!

I tried to tell yah. It's OLD.  I honestly haven't really played my simself much, but I AM playing around with the Torrez family. Khaos may be the wife some day! :D Bwahahahah! I am your overlord, so I'm allowed to have a cool laugh. Why don't sims have an evil laugh? They should totally have an evil laugh.

To prove you actually read through all of this, here's a challenge. Leave one word describing me, one for the blog, and one for my first chapter in the legacy. Thankies!

Love Always,


  1. My simself's traits are crazy but they are accurate-
    Clumsy, childish, hydrophic (yes, yes), cat person, and absent minded

  2. I'm a cat person too, I just don't have pets yet ;) How is pets, speaking of?

    And I've seen your simself, she's pretty ;)


  3. I loooove Pets. It actually comes with good clothes (and the cutest slippers ever).
    Having pets is so entertaining you sometimes forget to check on your sims. And the kittens and puppies are so cute! Plus there are a bunch of breeds of cats and horses and dogs (even my favorite breed of cat, Scottish fold!).
    The town that comes with is also fabulous, although the ice cream truck is always parked in front of my lot. And besides the fact that there aren't ever any cats or dogs at the cat and dog parks. I give it a 10++

  4. Thats quite a rating. Do you have any issues with it? I heard there were lots but honestly I'm not that worried.

  5. My only issue is the ice cream truck parked outside of my lot 24/7, when the sims are sleeping and I have the time set on 3x faster all I hear is the ice cream truck jingle.
    Well, and some times the cats eat from their bowls at weird angles and that's it for me.

  6. Ahh. Sounds cool, I could deal with that. The jingle... After a few days, the icecream man may have to die >.>
