Sunday, November 27, 2011

I am a Very Deprived Child :(

No simming today, even after this post I won't even have time to check my blog from you luverlies. I am a very deprived child :(

BUT there's an silver lining to every cloud (old person phrase, FTW!!) WE'RE GOING CHRISTMAS TREE SHOPPING, WHOOT WHOOT! Yeppers, and mayhaps next weekend, we'll be doing ornaments. YEYYYYY!

So, I'm a very simless girl right now. BUT! I have this special geek binder, with a glee notebook in it. You want to know what is in that notebook? Every sim family I've ever had for the past 6 months. And it still isn't filled. (Not all of them I guess, but the really good ones, like the Torrez, Carters, Sedlock, I think you get the picture now.)

So, I'll probably be coming up with new I deas for the legacy, sorta, and planning out my next simming family. They  usually start out small, but hey, if you've seen the Torrez gen 1, you'll know I LUFF to play with big households.

Anyway, I'll post a picture of whoever I make tonight, if I even have time to play tonite -__-

If not, I'll do it tommorow! :)

Love Always,


  1. Be sure to get a pink doughnut ornament from Duncan Donuts C:

  2. ohemgee! They have those? Do I have to pay? >.> Eh, I think it'll be worth it!
