Thursday, January 26, 2012

Oh, yeah!! Tanning, yeah!!

Herro >.<

So, I was assigned to write a poem in Literature class. My teacher said to write about something we're passionate about. And, well, here is what I cam up with:

Gay Rights

What happens when a man marries a man?
Or when a women marries a woman?
Will things happen that never can?
Or will the Depression Era happen again?

Calling gay people fags,
Is like calling black people the "n" word,
It makes them feel like dirty toe rags,
And it really isn't cool.

Don't discriminate,
Because if you hate,
We're all just people,
With rights.

Gays are not an abomination,
They make up a quarter of the population,
People put your heads on straight,
Time isn't ours to waste.

We change the past,
But we can make the future,
If we can't learn to get along,
The present won't last

And this got me to thinking. I don't drink gay milk, or eat gay burgers, or wear gay clothes. I just drink milk. And eat burgers. And wear clothes. So why do people have to use "Gay" or "Faggot" in a derogatory term? There isn't anything wrong with being gay, a lesbian, or bisexual (Which I don't believe in, BTW. But that's another rant.) Anyway, what's the diffidence between gay marriage and marriage? I mean, it's just two people who love each other coming together to be able to celebrate this time with there family and friends!

Urf. It annoys me >.> I should write a letter to Mr. Obama.



  1. Technically, no we should not discriminate against those people, but that doesnt mean it's right. They made that decision on their own, and no they were not "born gay." Nobody is. Totally disregard anything Lady Gaga says about being gay. because it simply isnt true. No I am not a homophobic, but I just dont believe that we should allow it.

    P.S. Obama doesnt give a flying $h!t.

  2. People are people and it doesn't matter what shape, size, color, race, religion, or sexual orientation they are. But I do know there are assholes in every group. Thank you for proving my point :)

    Oh, yeah, and way to be so brave, posting as anonymous. Besides, who are you to say all that? Your not God, or Jesus, or whatnot, so what say have you got in it? That is your SUBJECTIVE value on gay people, and this is mine.

    BTW, I love you Frozen :DD

    1. I wish it was like facebook so I could 'like' your comment lol. (Btw, 11:11! make a wish!!) :)
