Thursday, January 19, 2012

I Has Some Battle Scarz

So, you guys are probably wondering where I've been the past 10 days. Or more. I don't know, actually. ANYWAY, I went on this huge family trip. I couldn't bring my computer, hence the no blogging. Or legacy. But I'm about to play some Sims 3 and catch up on everything I missed. I've read everyone's posts, and I missed ALOT. You know what else I missed alot of? TEEN MOM 2. Argh. And Glee. I missed the brand spanking new glee. I cried, I'll be honest. Haha, jay to the kay, I didn't cry. But I was close.

Anyway, tell me about your past 10 days. Were they fun? Depressing? Filled with Derp comics? Tell me :)

Love Always,
Khaos <3


  1. Well I posted a pic of my self on them blog and I'm going to a dance tomorrow!

  2. I SEEN THAT!! The piccie, anyway. Your really pretty Frozen :))
