Mmk, so the title MAY or may NOT have confused you. Well, I hears that the "official" sims game site's forums are good ways to get banned for nothing. Ha ha! I never post over there, so, me thinks I'll try getting banned. What? I have nothing to lose, because I pretty much only use cc now anyway. Why buy from there, when you've got awesome creaters who (for the most part) give you awesome stuff for free? I don't post or read stories, (I can't see the picatures -.-) I'll keep you updated on that front. (Btw, is anyone banned? How did you get banned?)
And now that I've gotten done with that let me get to the present. So, I wrote a really cool story in History class today (It's really long, like, several pages of college ruled paper, and I'm still not done.) And so I'm going to write it on here. Everything and everbody are real people, (I spent computer class looking up English monarchs!) there are only two made up people. Fleur, the "daughter" and Aiko, the Japanese princess. Mmk, I'm done rambling. Here goes nothing!
And now that I've gotten done with that let me get to the present. So, I wrote a really cool story in History class today (It's really long, like, several pages of college ruled paper, and I'm still not done.) And so I'm going to write it on here. Everything and everbody are real people, (I spent computer class looking up English monarchs!) there are only two made up people. Fleur, the "daughter" and Aiko, the Japanese princess. Mmk, I'm done rambling. Here goes nothing!
England, 1700's
Parliament has the real power. That's not to say my father has no power, for he IS the king, and I'm his little princess.
We live in England, in the Royal Palace. You won't hear any complaining from me about this, because I love it here.
I don't see how it could be a prison, it's a very spacious, large estate. It has 8 bedrooms, 9 bathrooms, 5 parlors, 3 studies, 2 kitchens, 2 dining rooms, a dance hall, and a stable, for fathers' and my horses.
My studies take up much of my time, but my father oft times cuts it short by taking me out to train with my horse, Talia. She's so gentle and sweet. And father is so busy and stressed, it's nice to know he loves me enough to tak time out of such a busy day to help me train. Oh, I do love my father so.
"Oh, Fleur, that's a beautiful dress!" My friend, Laetita said.
"Thanks! Aunt Anne made it for me." I said, flipping my hair snobishly. (Aunt Anne, is King William III's (AKA"father in this story) sister in law. She was sisters with the late Queen Mary II, who died before this was written, in 1689. This is 1700.)
"Made it?"
"Yes, we could have labored a tailor to do it, but she insisted."
"I didn't know Queen Anne liked to sew!"
Yeah. We'll speak more later, okay?" I said, before walking off.
I was heading towards the sun room for two reasons. One, it's my favorite room. Two, father said he had a surprise for me. Who knew what it was.
"Hello, my beautiful flower!" My father said, sweeping me into his always loving arms. "Here's your surprise, this is Princess Aiko. Also, I believe Aunt Anne is around here too."
"I'm 50 years old, with no clear heir! What am I to do?" My father asked Queen Anne. (I know spying is impolite, but sometimes I do it anyway.)
"Once you die, if you have no children, I'll recede you. What about Fleur?"
"Fleur isn't really my child."
"Then who is she?"
"Fleur is a beautiful girl, but I haven't the foggiest where she came from."
"I love her as my own daughter, but she cannot become the queen, to my deepest regret."
"Excuse me? Father?" I said.
"Yes, flower?"
"I was just wondering you had seen Aiko. We're playing a game I invented."
"That's nice darling, but no, I haven't seen Aiko. Now, run along, I have a few more things to tell your Aunt about."
"Yes, father."
As I looked for Aiko, my mind was still on the subject. Whose my mum then, if not Queen Mary? Finally, I decided I should just go along with it. "Aiko! I give up, where are you?"
"Right here!" She said, popping out from behind a potted plant. I shrieked, she had scared me!
"Did I scare you? My apologies, Princess Fleur." Aiko said, bowing respectively.
Mmk, so what do you guys think? That's not everything, because Fleur has a loonnnngggggg convo with Aiko that I don't feel like writing. When I finish this I'll post it, and put a link back to here so you'll be able to read the beginning.