Saturday, December 31, 2011

Friday, December 30, 2011

2 Simple Things

1.) Fabian Sedlock is back with three, thats right, THREE new chapters. And she's getting some swagger now that she's making a diffrence.

2.) HOLY HALLULUYAH! I got sims 3 pets for Christmas and I'm sooo happy! In the future of the legacy *SPOILER* Be expecting; a pet, a move, and romance ;)

Love Always,

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hurr Hurr

Herro >.<

Sooo, I have a question. Have you ever made a sim after a real person, then they started acting like that person? Like, do your simselves ever do something that you instantly think, "I'd sooo do that ;)" What makes me think of this, is my simmieself, (whom I was playing little less then an hour ago!) pulled this in the hot tub:

Splashity Splash.

I mean, this reminded of the quote my friend sent me earlier, "You always have that friend that makes you laugh with their stupidity." It was pretty mean, but I couldn't help but laugh, because I'm fascinated with little things, which is pretty funny to the rest of my friends and family(:

Mmk, so I didn't post on here just to laugh at myself....

I'm being serious.

Someone get the serious font.

Here goes.

I'm thinking of doing a modeling comp? And even better, I'm thinking of hosting one. I need to make my mind up really soon, because New Years is a cool theme, dontyathink? A New Years Eve photo shoot! :D Well, mayb not this year....

Still, what do you think? Think Sim KK and I could dominate? Probably not but yanno whateves! It's all about trying ;) Are you guys in any modeling comps right now? Hosting one? Something with a duck? You can share ;)

Love Always,
Khaos <3

Monday, December 19, 2011

Oscar Meyer Weiner

Neiner neiner neiner, oscar meyer weiner!
With ketchup, & cheese baby,
Don't break my heart baby,
The melted kind.

So sorry about that!

Or... not.

Soo, happy early Christmas/Hannukah/Quanza! I'll be posting several things Christmas day for sure, so, when you get home, or get somewhere after your Christmas party, be sure to check that out! :) Lots of Christmas presents from your loverly neighborhood Khaos!

I was hoping to borrow some simselves or summink? I mean, everyone likes to see their sims in stuff, ammirite? Khaos (Mee!) is kind of throwing a super awesome Christmas party! And, if anybody celebrates something diffrent, like Hannukah, (Please excuse the horrid spelling for me, wills yuh? :D) I'll be sure to incorporate your traditions in too! :)

If you want to give me your sim, but don't want other people to have their grubby hands on him/her, just message me HERE.

Also, if you want, you can also give me a link to a cute costume you like? It can be a costume party..! Costume isn't required though :)

Love always,
Khaos <3

Monday, December 12, 2011

Still Grounded.

Yepp! Apparently it was bad. ANYWHO I'm working on a new world. Well, some chick over at TS3 site made it, but suckishly. So, I'm remaking it to be a kingdom! I even have freaky weirdos! Ohhhh yesh! It's actually called St. Carrington, and there are, like, 10 lots. 3 have houses on them. Whyyyy are you so lazyyyy?

I'll be sure to post pictures at some point. I think there'll be a cool story to go along with it. I hope so anyway.

I'll be back sooner than I was before, sorry for that absence, but I'm prepping for my boyfriend's b-day :)

Love Always,
Khaos <3

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Something of the Sort

So, the reason I'm not around lately is because I'm kind of grounded from the internet. Like, we use a moble hotspot, and I'm not supposed dl things, but I usually do anyway. I just watch myself. Well, this weekend I decided to clean out all my cc (which isn't lasting, I'm putting it back in right now :D) and dl my store stuff, yanno, which was kind of alot. Well, I guess I just lost track or something, and now we have 50% remaining. Yay.

And in all honestly, I'm starting to think I'm not the only here who's grounded, despite the fact most of you are 18 & up. Because where are you guys? No one has been posting much, at least when I last checked it. What did you guys think of my story I wrote? Was it good...? I hope so.

As for my legacy, I'm on chapter 8, where you guys are on chapter 3. And after I finish writing this I plan on writing more. So... Yeah. you're way behind, and it is completely my fault, I'm really sorry. I don't like posting months apart, but that's just how it is, I guess. I don't like it either, trust me.

So, hows your week been? Having fun? Are you grounded too? Why? Talk to me!!!! I won't be able to check it immediatly but yanno whateves!

Love Always,
Khaos <3

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Star Struck

So what do you think? :D


Where are all you simmers? Did you like, drop out of the earth of summink? WHERE ARE YOU???

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Challenge that's wrapped with A Present

Mmk, so the title MAY or may NOT have confused you. Well, I hears that the "official" sims game site's forums are good ways to get banned for nothing. Ha ha! I never post over there, so, me thinks I'll try getting banned. What? I have nothing to lose, because I pretty much only use cc now anyway. Why buy from there, when you've got awesome creaters who (for the most part) give you awesome stuff for free? I don't post or read stories, (I can't see the picatures -.-) I'll keep you updated on that front. (Btw, is anyone banned? How did you get banned?)

And now that I've gotten done with that let me get to the present. So, I wrote a really cool story in History class today (It's really long, like, several pages of college ruled paper, and I'm still not done.) And so I'm going to write it on here. Everything and everbody are real people, (I spent computer class looking up English monarchs!) there are only two made up people. Fleur, the "daughter" and Aiko, the Japanese princess. Mmk, I'm done rambling. Here goes nothing!

England, 1700's
Parliament has the real power. That's not to say my father has no power, for he IS the king, and I'm his little princess.

We live in England, in the Royal Palace. You won't hear any complaining from me about this, because I love it here.

I don't see how it could be a prison, it's a very spacious, large estate. It has 8 bedrooms, 9 bathrooms, 5 parlors, 3 studies, 2 kitchens, 2 dining rooms, a dance hall, and a stable, for fathers' and my horses.
My studies take up much of my time, but my father oft times cuts it short by taking me out to train with my horse, Talia. She's so gentle and sweet. And father is so busy and stressed, it's nice to know he loves me enough to tak time out of such a busy day to help me train. Oh, I do love my father so.

"Oh, Fleur, that's a beautiful dress!" My friend, Laetita said.

"Thanks! Aunt Anne made it for me." I said, flipping my hair snobishly. (Aunt Anne, is King William III's (AKA"father in this story) sister in law. She was sisters with the late Queen Mary II, who died before this was written, in 1689. This is 1700.)

"Made it?"

"Yes, we could have labored a tailor to do it, but she insisted."

"I didn't know Queen Anne liked to sew!"

Yeah. We'll speak more later, okay?" I said, before walking off.

I was heading towards the sun room for two reasons. One, it's my favorite room. Two, father said he had a surprise for me. Who knew what it was.

"Hello, my beautiful flower!" My father said, sweeping me into his always loving arms. "Here's your surprise, this is Princess Aiko. Also, I believe Aunt Anne is around here too."

"I'm 50 years old, with no clear heir! What am I to do?" My father asked Queen Anne. (I know spying is impolite, but sometimes I do it anyway.)

"Once you die, if you have no children, I'll recede you. What about Fleur?"

"Fleur isn't really my child."

"Then who is she?"

"Fleur is a beautiful girl, but I haven't the foggiest where she came from."


"I love her as my own daughter, but she cannot become the queen, to my deepest regret."

"Excuse me? Father?" I said.

"Yes, flower?"

"I was just wondering you had seen Aiko. We're playing a game I invented."

"That's nice darling, but no, I haven't seen Aiko. Now, run along, I have a few more things to tell your Aunt about."

"Yes, father."

As I looked for Aiko, my mind was still on the subject. Whose my mum then, if not Queen Mary? Finally, I decided I should just go along with it. "Aiko! I give up, where are you?"

"Right here!" She said, popping out from behind a potted plant. I shrieked, she had scared me!

"Did I scare you? My apologies, Princess Fleur." Aiko said, bowing respectively.

Mmk, so what do you guys think? That's not everything, because Fleur has a loonnnngggggg convo with Aiko that I don't feel like writing. When I finish this I'll post it, and put a link back to here so you'll be able to read the beginning.


Monday, November 28, 2011


Kisses! We just hung the ornaments on our tree, and they look lovely! I so do enjoy Christmas, especially when I'm almost positive I'm getting Sims 3 Pets! Ah yes! Don't think I forgot to take pictures of my newest sim! Well, I didn't but blogger won't upload her beautious headshot! WHY BLOGGER WHY?

Ah well, I'll cry by myself, ah, this corner looks nice. *Cries*

Mmk, better :)

Sooo, has anyone read the first chapter (That I suggested, and Marie Antoinette wrote!) of the Antoinette Legacy/ Story/ type thing? It's REALLYYYY good! You can find it here! (Enjoy, I know I did!)

And now, I think I'm going to finish watching Hannah Montana the Movie (It's been years since it's been on, so I think I'll relinquish some memories, haha!) and play with Beau the kitty cat!

Love Always,

Sunday, November 27, 2011

I am a Very Deprived Child :(

No simming today, even after this post I won't even have time to check my blog from you luverlies. I am a very deprived child :(

BUT there's an silver lining to every cloud (old person phrase, FTW!!) WE'RE GOING CHRISTMAS TREE SHOPPING, WHOOT WHOOT! Yeppers, and mayhaps next weekend, we'll be doing ornaments. YEYYYYY!

So, I'm a very simless girl right now. BUT! I have this special geek binder, with a glee notebook in it. You want to know what is in that notebook? Every sim family I've ever had for the past 6 months. And it still isn't filled. (Not all of them I guess, but the really good ones, like the Torrez, Carters, Sedlock, I think you get the picture now.)

So, I'll probably be coming up with new I deas for the legacy, sorta, and planning out my next simming family. They  usually start out small, but hey, if you've seen the Torrez gen 1, you'll know I LUFF to play with big households.

Anyway, I'll post a picture of whoever I make tonight, if I even have time to play tonite -__-

If not, I'll do it tommorow! :)

Love Always,

Friday, November 25, 2011

Sim, Sim, Sim.

Sims, sim, sim, la, la, la! How was you guy's Thanksgiving? Mine was cool, I guess. Just another boring day, just with better internet, moar people.

I've been playing sims ALLL the live long day!!!! That, watching movies, and trying to make oatmeal. and beg for starbursts and vanilla wafers.

Also, I downloaded a few worlds, and they. Are. Amazing!!!! I've recently placed the Torrez family in Cornucopia, and the bursting at the seem shousehold has broken up.

Micheal (The Adult in the Plaid shirt on the couch)= He's an elder now, so I let him stay, the house is huge anyway. (I built a huge new one ;D)

Kayleigh (The ghost)= Went back to the "Netherworld" So she's gone now anyway.

Vincent (Guy in the back)= Aged up, got married, and moved out with Gracie (She's in the back!)

Miley (Girl in the front left)= She's still dating Dana, (Next to her) and, bless 'em, they're taking it slow. Aw! I love them, and I'm totally going to be playing them :)

Have you guys made any cool sims lately?

Love Always,

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I have a super cool present for you!! Please enjoy a new chapter of the Just Imagine Legacy! Chapter 2 babyyy!

Chapter 2

Please enjoy! Leave feedback, and follow!


Happy Thanksgiving! I hope yahh enjoy your present, it's not a Thanksgiving one, because I had all of these written before then. I'm hoping I get all these posted for Christmas so I can have a cool Christmas special. Eight chapters between now and then, so I hope we can do it! Actually, I think I'll go upload Chapter 3 right now! DOUBLE THE SEDLOCK-NESS! Savor it ;)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I Just forgot my witty title -__-

Hi guys! Have you ever wanted something, so bad, that you just felt everything inside you blowing up? Nah, me either. But I do really want Pets. I think they'd fit in perfectly with my whole theme right now, that YOU wouldn't know of, because it's just in my game. So there.

I hate rain, it gives me a headache. I mean, sursly? I know, I know, it feeds the plants, BUT I JUST HATE IT SO MUCH! I had such a bad headache last night, I wanted to vomit.And I NEVER vomit. Something to so with a weak stomach? Ah, whatever it is I probably have it.

So, My simmeh self has gained and lost some traits. This is an old picture, but it has the right details. So, nyah!

I tried to tell yah. It's OLD.  I honestly haven't really played my simself much, but I AM playing around with the Torrez family. Khaos may be the wife some day! :D Bwahahahah! I am your overlord, so I'm allowed to have a cool laugh. Why don't sims have an evil laugh? They should totally have an evil laugh.

To prove you actually read through all of this, here's a challenge. Leave one word describing me, one for the blog, and one for my first chapter in the legacy. Thankies!

Love Always,

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Pretty Boy

I. Made. The. Best. Guy. I. Have. Ever. Made. In. The. History. Of. Sims 3!!!

Okay, so, loking back at some of my other work, it's pretty shoddy. Like Eli? Yah, yah, very, boyish. I could never make a guy who didn't look like a pitiful child. BUT yesterday, I DID.

His name is Micheal Torrez, and I plopped him in with a wife, named Kayleigh Torrez. I'm sure you know which is which. Here's a family collage for you, just because I love you.

An early Thanksgiving card for Yah(:

Also, I'm having issues with picnik, it not wanting to do what I need it to do, basically. I need something else to edit my pictures, and bad, so if you guys know anything, help me out? Please?

Also, the next chapter of The Imagine Legacy will be out around Thanksgiving. Maybe two, or three. Nah, the most I'll go is two ;)

And, so far, no luck with the whole,doll thing. So, now I'm looking around MS3B looking for Thanksgiving clutter, oh yah.

Love Always,

P.S. What are you lovelies up to? I'm pretty not informed at all at the moment, honestly. So lemmeh know in the comments!

Friday, November 18, 2011


Meet my new legacy!! I only have one chapter up. Don't expect another one too awful soon because I do have life, despite my efforts :)

The legacy itself is called "Just Imagine" But the blog name is "Imagination Station". Cool, huh? SO anyway, meet my founder, Fabian Sedlock! She's a gorgeous YA.

Her LTW is Golddigger, but I think you'll understand more as you read her story. So, guys, just, read and enjoy, okay? Comment and leave feedback!

With Love,

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Vanilla Wafers= Yummehest stuff on the planet. Oh yah. They are my comfort food, from now until forever. Something I noticed? I blog more than all of ya'll. SOO HAHAHAHAH!

Also, I wonder if any of you would be able to tell if someone was trying to fake being me. Would you? Woah. That's cahrazyyy!


Anyway, I'm sure ya'll are wondering about the whole, secret new legacy thing. Well, I supposes your going to have to keep wondering! This is where I'd usually say, just joshing, and hand it to yuh on a silver platter. NOT TODAY! Your just gonna have to wait! Yup, sorreh folks!

Do know that I love you all, and if Christians try to take over MY site... (Probably won't ever happen...) They better watch out.

Btw, Fury's blog is up, and a new chapter of T<3FL should be out soon, I believes(:

With Love,

P.S. I started a forum at the sims 3 site, asking for pictures of YOUR pets games. Please, if yuh have it, post 'em over there! I NEED TO BE KEPT SANE. Well, as sane as I am, I'm usually not sane at all :P

Sunday, November 13, 2011

This Little Doll of Mine

Apparently I won't be able to find a legit CAW world in time to start my legacy (SPOILER). So, I'm asking my dear friends for one more favour.

I need a doll.

Not a scary, weird, deco doll. But a doll that the children can play with, and set up on a shelf for later. A doll that they can put in their inventory and sleep withit, take it to school, pay with it everywhere!

I have an american girl doll that I love. And I used to do that^^ with my stuffed bear. (Are there any of those w/o the overalls? My bear doesn't wear those. But my bear is also a cross dresser, seeing as how somedays its a boy, and others, a girl.)

You don't have to MAKE me a doll, just.. lead me to one that won't eff up my game. Like, doll-dressed, or whatever that stoopid thing is called. I don't want that!

Thanks in advance for anyone who can find me a perfect little doll for my legacy girls. (More SPOILER.)

Maybe Elmo, for my little boys? Just spewing ideas now!

With Love,

Friday, November 11, 2011


Well, I promised you an announcement, and here it is. (I couldn't wait to share) But.... The Carters are dead. Gone. Wank computer deleted them, and I can't retrieve them. I can say I'm working on a super secret project, (Tova, check your email!) that I think is very interesting. It'll be really cool, I'm sure you're going to like it. So.. Yeah. That was it.

And I would like someone to make a world for me. Severely. And post pictures so I'll be able to see. It'll featured in my story(:

If you can't make me a world, tell me how to get CAW to work, because whenever I downloaded it, it didn't work, saying something about beta, and I was like wtff? Yeah. Hahaha.

So yeah.
With Love,

Thursday, November 10, 2011

These Next Few Weeks

So, these next few weeks I have a tight schedule, created my me. You'll be happy to know it's all my simming schedule, so I'll still have time to blog and stuff. Would like to hear the next several days for me?

11-11: Announcement
11-12: Plot out chapters*
11-13: Play sims; Check Forums
11-14: Look at CAW Forum; Look for solutions.*
11-15, 16, 17: Forums
11-18: Build lots
11-19: Look for a world for legacy
11-20: Get more minutes;Download said world
11-21:Set up blog*
11-22: Post Chapter 1

*1= Has to do with announcement.
*2= Create-A-World. It doesn't ever seem to work for me..?
*3= Blog for said announcement.

As you can see, most of this has to do with the announcement for tommorrow. But the announcement won't be until around 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Some of you may rejoice in this announcement, some may not, but hey. It's up to you.

So, hang tight until then, kay? You can do it!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

11-11-11 (AKA: Wish Day)

Ah, 11-11-11. Not only is is the ultimate wish day, but probably the ultimate death day. I mean, think about it. How many of you WOULDN'T wish for the person you hate to die? I don't hate anyone right now, I don't like when people don't like me -__- But, true shiz, don't yah think?

What are youise guise wishing for? I've got my list narrowed down to 2 things.

1. My first kiss (Yes. I am 13 and have not had my first kiss yet. I'm saving it for someone special :))
2. The guy I honestly truly *like* will ask me out.

I had wishes for other people, but I decided it's wish day, and they can do whateves. I told yuh, I can be selfish. Ho well, at least I acknowlege it(:

The thing I like best about wish day is that it just seems so magical. I'm the kind of positive upbeat person that would make a negative person commit suicide. I'm the bouncy bubbly girl in the front row. And yes, I do play dumb. Alot. Not with ya'll, but with my friends? Totally.

And as for Fury's site shutting down, I'm sorreh that I'm losing some friends, but it's the internet, and who knows, they maybe stalkers. I must send thanks to Tova for trackng down my blog, of course(:

And also, I was wondering who actually reads my extremely long posts? Do you, like, skim it or read it whole-heartedly? Random question, not really important(:

Another random thing that's magical, don't talk about how feet suck and stuff, because you know what? They look like wings. Sursly, look at your feet. They look like wings, unless you are deformed, in which I say show me a picture. Because mutations fascinate me. I wasn't born with any though....

Did anyone watch *Glee* yesterday? You guys must know it is my favorite show of all time. And I also must say, I kind of don't like Blaine... But I luffff Kurt <3

I'm going to gt off before I rant about how I don't like Blaine. Also! A really hot dude? Adam Levine. Look him up. He's the lead singer of one my favorite bands of all time, Maroon 5.

Anywho Byee!

With Love,

P.S. Go to the bar. Meet Vericio, my hedgehog. Feed him a strawberry. And tell me how cute he is. Thank you, that is all(:

Sunday, November 6, 2011



So, Fury's site is down, dunno where she went, and it's something about Jesus. Really? Whyyyy? Of all things, it was God, and Jesus? That's so... UnFury-like.

And next of all, I can't post any pictures or be online much AT ALL, because I have used half of our internet usage, which doesn't re-givemehmorefreakingtime, until the 20th. Yeah. 14 days. ARGHHH!

Not only that, but I am also going a little mad, (in my head) because I have not talked to my interwebbed friends since Fury's site went away. I NEED PEOPLE TO TALK TO DARNNIT!

Because, I get on facebook(personal, I don't have a sims one.) And all I see is my whore-friend cyber-flirting Likeee Thiiiss Becauseee Thisss Isn'ttt Creepyyy At Alllll. :/ Actually, she isn't even my friend, I honestly hate her...!

And even worse, my legacy game is sooo freaking laggy. I can't DO anything, because of lag. Every other save file is okay, except the important one. Whyyy me?

I guess I better go, becaus eif not, I will probably explode with agitation. But you should still talk to me.....

With Love & Anger~

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Sorry, I couldn't remember the title I wanted to use for this post, and How to Love by Lil' Wayne was on. So yeah. I'm swagtastic, oh yah.

Okay, so some forshizzle junk up in the bloggeshpere. Where did Fury's site go...? It's like a crediting thing now. Wtfffff? Weird right?

So, like, I have no idea why but I'm obsessed with getting Pets. I'm making apartments in Bridgeport just for families with pets. I'm totally messed up!

And for local simming, I have a few pictures of my recent simming. I made Abbie Kelley (Hamming) who is now a four star celebrity and has a girl named Shelby Marie, and is pregnant with another babeh(: Aww! Pregnancy in the sims can be really sweet, if the father is wrapped around the little baby's finger. I want a little baby someday... Not anytime soon though, God, please not anytime soon!

She's just absolutely darling, right? The horrific man in the background is Tyler Dolohov, (Harry Potter reference, donchaknow ;) ) I made him too.....

But he was her best guy friend, but she got together with Tom Wordy, then Matthew Hamming, who she eventually married. Tyler got very jealous (Every wish he had was about her, and her's were a mix of Tom and Matthew) and eventually blew up at his love, and slapped her. It didn't end there, though. He also fought her, throwing her around and pushing her. It was all autonomous!

Tyler now has a girlfriend, Marina Prattle, and doesn't bother Abbie anymore. (Oh yeah, he went to the same party as Matthew and Abbie ONCE. Matthew showed him what a real man was ;) He beat him up for abusing Abbie. That's a really sweet guy, right thar.)

The third picture is Shelby Marie. She's got green eyes, and she's a real cutie-pie(: The thing she's playing with is her IF, Bradley(: They'll be cute together someday(:

Girl look at that body, girl look at that body, girl look at that body... I WORK OUT!!
I'm sexy and I know it-LMFAO

Look 'em up on youtube, I like this one, Party Rock Anthem, and Shots. Maybe their just a teenager thang, but whateves, I like them, even though they aren't appropriate in public places. Maybe with your friends or something, but not in a sophisticated group, haha!

So, does anyone know my sim username on the sims website? Here's a link, yeah, that's me. I never go on it, but hey you're free to FR me or whatever. I'm thinking of started to be more active on the forums there, and just being on that site more. Everyone complains but I honestlyhave never had a real big issue with the sim or the sims site. Maybe I'm just lucky...
With Love:
Krazy Khaos

Thursday, November 3, 2011

6 Months? Already?

So tw overy important milestones in one week. We've got 1000 viewers, AND 6 months! All crammed into a tiny little week! Ohhh! I just love all my fans, and I love that they come back, just to read my posts(: It's  really great to know SOMEONE is reading this. I was always scared I would have 6 months, and only like 8 views. I was really worried, but I went through with it anyway. And I'm so glad I did! it makes me all smiley inside, you have no idea. I think I might cry while writing this(: Happy tears of course. No sadness here!


P.S. I love you! Thanks for believing in me, and for becoming my interconeected friends!(:

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Love Letters

Okay, so a real life post sort of. In science, we get so off track. We started talking about why slaves didn't just rebel against their owners. And then my friend brought up STDs, saying they were science. EWWW!

Back to Sims. So as you know I've been lolling around the idea of love letters. From Rexy to Eli. They will be cheesy. They will be written. They will have a cover shot, but that's probably the only pictures in there.
I finally got time to edit this picture that I've been DYING to edit because it's just so... I dunno! But you'll be seeing the unedited version in the legacy(:

Cool right? So, have you been up to anything lately? How's school? The weather? Your dog/cat?(I have a ginger fat cat :P)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Yo, It's Halloween!

MY FAVORITEST TIME OF THE YEARRR! More then Christmas or my birthday! HALLOWEEN! I won't be able to do the story because of lack of sims (evil face) and personal reasons. BUT! I will be doing some sort of story soon I very much hope. I don't have the kind of internet where you can download and upload just anything, it takes alot just to upload a few pictures for editing and stuff, which sucks. But there's nothing I can do about it, it's that or nothing. As for sim playing, I'm about to start a game with 5 people in it, and I don't like doing that haha, so it's going to be a challenge. Of course, the city will be Bridgeport. It's a cool little gang haha! I'll take pictures, and give little descriptions of how they came to live in the "Swagtastic People" Household. My age is showing huh? I'm a teenager haha. Not 22...... *sigh* Anywho, what'd you guys do for Halloween? My friend and I went trick or treating haha! Never to old for that!

With Love,

Friday, October 28, 2011

Little Red Riding Hood

Does anyone know where I can find little red riding hood stuff for a simmy? I need to dress Khaos for a little story I'm putting together(: By the way, I do need other sims for it, if you want to offer one up? If not, then I guess I'll  just make my own....... *sigh*..... But that would mean Khaos has no friends, and that would suck! And also, any other halloweeny stuff would be rockin(:

With Love,

P.S. 1000 views! Thank you sooo much, you have no idea how much that means to me! I was so scared that nobody would want to read my blog. I guess this means Khaos is going to be throwing a 1000 view party, eh? Everyone's invited! I could make multi uses for your favorite sim/simmyself!

This time for real,
With Love,

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Jay-Tee Babeee!

Haha, my nickname(:

Anywho, I honestly have nothing to say, because I have no news whatsoever. I have nothing to talk about. Except, I can talk about how I have nothing to talk about, which is pretty freaking boring if you ask me(:

Hm. We can talk about meee!(: I have the capability to be VERY self-centered. And my favorite two bands (music) are Maroon 5 and The Script. My favorite colors are orange and black, I'm very short, like 5 feet tall. I know, what the heck? WHEN WILL I GROW?! Probably never but I like being short(: I'mmma shortieeeee!(:

I am a 'Mericun, and I lurve mickey dee's. Which is slang for McDonalds. You guise probably knew, but I'm just being cautious yanno? Haha(:

And I have a few favorite bloggys I love to visit, and I am always looking for new legacies to read, but like to start reading when they are a healthy bit into the story. I hate waiting for chapters, like with Fury. UGGHHHH It's agonizing.

Well, I gues I shall end this, well, pointless post!


Monday, October 24, 2011

Story Time With Khaos

 Mishti laughed in the poor, old man's face. "Why should I believe in such nonsence? This is why the world has gone to the dogs!" She spat. The old man smiled gently at her. He stood up of the cardboard he had been resting on, and looked at her straight in the eye. He looked at the branches. He swept is arm across the gray skies. "You see the trees yes?" He asked.

"Yes. They are trees, big deal." She rolled her eyes.

"Do you see how they are changing? Not by choice but by force?"

"Yes. This is utter babble!" She cried. The old man hushed her. "Fall is coming to an end, young girl. Winter is moving in. And whether you like it or not, you better make this best of it. Does this sound familiar to you?" He asked.

"I suppose. My father is moving back in, I never really forgave him for what he did. He didn't deserve it."  Mishti answered.

"This is a time, family time. You and he need to come to an agreement. Start some ground rules."

Mishti smiled at him. "Thank you." She whispered. She hugged him and walked away. A man walked up to him, grinning. "Now, how did you do that?" He asked, extremely curious.

"Sometimes, even babble from an old geezer like me can help out any young soul."

Sunday, October 23, 2011

I. Wants. It.

I. Want. Pets. So. Facking. Bad.

I've been looking for someone to by it for me since It came out, which Idk when that was. But hopefully I'll get it soon, and be able to post tons of picatures(:

So... Who else wants it so facking bad? Because I know I do(:

Here's a picture I saw on the piccie forums:

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Picture Spam!

So, like, yeah. Haha, I have a butt-load of pictures that nobody has ever seen before and I don't even know why I take them!! When, before I hast a bloggeh, I would make stories on powerpoint and pray someday someone would read meh stories, and I'd be all cool and shiz(:

Well, I has a bloggeh now. SO I can show youise guise piccies(:

These are from a random photoshoot I did of myself, Khaos Kraze(: This isn't her normal look, but I like it alot(:

These next pictures are from a game I played wif gay people. Because, I love gay guys. I have no idea why. But I'm desperate for a gay guy friend. Anywho, they ended up having a sprog named LulaBelle.

And that's all I can post at one time w/o making the post TOOOOOO long(: Til next time!


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I Prefer *Miss* Khaos

Just joshing, it makes me feel old haha! So I edited a  picture that I haven't shared with anyone. You wanna see? You KNOW you wanna see ;)
This one is a halloween-bar one. Because you have dracula, and zombies, and what not, but then you have her, and she's just... there. But decipher how ever you like, I wanna know what ya think :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

You Must Be Just Joshing. Right?

Nope. This post actually has something to do with my recent sim playing. So, like, I usually only play Sunset Valley, I dunno why, but whateves. My recent Sim I made is name Carli Wood. She married Barry Tenderlove, and right now have a bambino in the oven ^o^ lol. Anybody have some cool baby names? I was thinking Azlyn maybeh? Or Eve, yanno, something elegant. Unless it's a boy. Then I want to give him a crazy rockstar name.

Anywho, This is probably the best picture I have of her. I didn't really take many. I'll take more next time I play.

I also tryed playing a naturific game, failing within the first game hour ^__^
But she was real purty :)

BTW, I feel compelled to mention that Tiny, over on FRS, is talking about a modelling comp? I TOTALLY WANNA BE A JUDGE! Because my pictures would suck to bad to be a model. Actually, I may end up giving it a try. But whateves. If your interested, heres some purty linkage.

Hope I get to do something to help out, it'd be my first modeling comp, doing anything. I don't have photoshop so obviously my edits won't be TO good, but I always try :) And trying is what matters! At least, that's what I say to myself :):):):)

Hmm... I know you guys are wondering about The Carters' Legacy. Well, don't fear when the chapters are a long time apart, because I won't give this up.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

This is a Sims Blog, moron.

SO, so, so true. But I found a cool poke-esqe memes. I have no idea what those are, but this is one apparently :)

1. Who is your favorite Pokémon?
Absolute Favorite: Eevee (:

Kanto/Generation I:  Pikachu
Johto/Generation II:  Butterfree
Hoenn/Generation III:  Mudkip
Sinnoh/Generation IV:  Glacion
Unova/Generation V:  (Don't have the game...) Oshowatt

Grass starter:  Treecko
Fire starter:  Chimchar
Water starter:  Squirtle

Eeveelution:  Vapreon
Legendary Pokémon:  Jirachi
Starter in Basic form: Treecko
Starter at Stage 2:  Monferno
Starter at Stage 3:  Empoleon

2. Why do you like your absolute favorite?
I like eevee because if you train her/him, then they can be VERY powerful, plus the suspense when they evolve is just… wow. The eeveelutions are adorable :)

3. What is your favorite type of Pokémon? Why?
Probably grass or fire, but water is cool too. I really DON'T like ground types though.

4. If you were a Pokémon, what would you be?

5. What would be the first Pokémon you catch on your journey? (Name one for each region.)
Kanto: Pidgey
Johto:  Rattatta?
Hoenn:  Ralts :)
Sinnoh: Starly
Unova: ??

6. Name your dream team. (Any region)
Kirlia, Ditto, Eevee, Jirachi, Dragonair :D

7. How long have you been interested in Pokémon?
Since I was like… 8 probably. I tried to quit over the summers, but I can't, so I just keep it a secret from my loser friends :)

8. What do you value more, the games or the toys?
Games, totally. I don't really have any toys :(

9. What games do you have?
Soul Silver, Diamond, Pokémon Explorers of Time, Pokémon Rangers.
I LOST my Emerald & Pearl games :(

10. What is your favorite plush? Figure? Game?
Plush:  A big, round Togepi! :)

11. Name your top 5 least favorite Pokémon.
Bidoof & Bibarrel, because, what the heck? Their stats suck. & Muk & Grimer, because their just big puddles!

12. What is your most favorite and least favorite regions?
Most favorite:  Sinnoh
Least favorite:  Johto

13. Do you like anthropomorphic (human-like) Pokémon (Pokémorphs)?
I have no idea what the heck that is....

14. What Pokémorph species would you want to be?

15. What is your favorite moment in the Pokémon anime?
When Ash gets his 8th gym badge in Sinnoh.

16. Which feature in any Pokémon game do you enjoy the most? (e.g. multiplayer battles, contests, day/night system, etc.)
2 way battles, oh yah :)

17. What is your favorite Pokémon song(s) (or song used in the Pokémon animé and movies)?
The very first theme song!!! GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALL!!!

18. What is your favorite Pokémon movie?
The first one :)

19. Do you prefer Pokémon that are powerful or Pokémon that have a good design (in other words, good looks)?
I usually pick by a mixture.

20. Quick! What is your most random thought (that's clean) of a Pokémon doing something that humans do?
Pokémon Contests! Modeling ;)

Friday, October 14, 2011

*Insert Witty Title Here*

So I have a question. I thought, since I couldn't really post much, that on the other site, the legacy blog, I could post love letters from Eli to Rexy. I thought it would be really cute & sweet. And if I just post a cover picture, you guys'll have some kind of legacy stuff. Does that sound cool? I think so(:

And in other news, I got Pokemon Diamond a few days ago. It feels SOOOO good to finally be able to play with the Sinnoh pokemon again, you have no idea. Mostly because I'm a geek with no life, atleast, that's what my friends tell me(;

Make sure to tell meh what you think of the whole Eli-Rexeh thing. They miss you.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I love pokemon.

Now, I'm a-wondering if anybody knows anyfink bout free pokemon diamond? The new one? Because that's what I want. So badly.

As I'm writing this, I'm actually more focused on my soul silver game. The girls are sooo ugly, I usually just be a guy lol. Anywho, which starter is better? Chikorita, Totodile, or Cyndiquil? I luff them all. I just wanna wrap them all in a big huge cuddle. But sadly, Cydiquil would prolly burn me.

What's your favorite pokemon? Mine is deffo Ditto. I don't care 'bout power. I care about cuteness lol! Well, in a battle I care :) Which of the pokemon games do you like best? Lemme know in the comments!

ALSO!!! Does anyone know 'bout free pikachu ears? If anyone does, I will marry them. MARRY.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Changing It up

Yanno what I LURVE about blogger? You change it. Whenever you feel like it. I mean it's all "Hey, I'm on a plane, but imma change my background. Cause I have blogger, dawg." or, "Hey, I'm lost in the woods. But Imma change my links. Because I have blogger." Its so cool! You'll see this blog change ALLLLLLL the time. I mean, it's insane. I only had the other background for about 2 weeks! Its insane, In my brain!!!


XOXOXO!! Khaos

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Ohio there ;)

So lately I've been justa going with the flow-oh-oh. I don't know why, or what's up, or anything.

I don't even know what I'm talking about! ^.^

So anyway, still into the whole editing pics thing. (Does anybody want me to edit a picture for them? I'm tired of my own...)

But this past weekend, not being able to post anything, made me cry :'(

I love posting things on here, even if it's the most random thing never thought of! I have aquired lots of new CC, and I love it! It will deffo be over used in the legacy :)

I forgot to tell you Rexy & Eli's new baby's name. Well, I gave him such a weird name, that I honestly couldn't remember. BUT! I remember now. His name is Raeon. I know, I know, what kind of name is that? Welp, I dunno.

His picture isn't added on the family tree or anyfink. And as usual they are broke. This happens with everyfamily I play *normally*. They just end up broke! Is it because I pay taxes? ^o^

Just joshing :) Maybe....

Anywho, just thought I'd fill ya in! I've been playing lots of other sim familys, but they just aren't the Carters! So, I'm going to go play them right now, take some more pictures, and hopefully the next week will bring around a perfect time for me to post the new pictures!
~Mwah! Khaos

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Very Clever..... -.-

Chaos & Khaos decided to hit the bar one afternoon. And then... well.. And things got bad...

Very clever Chaos Vintage -.- Anywho, just another awesomesauce photo! I DO have pictures for the next chapter done, I just need to upload them, which takes some internet. Yeah, I really for some reason barely ever have internet. It's crap I say! -.-

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Is any one home?  :(

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Pretty Pictures

I have been editing pictures like CAHRAZYY!!! It's quite the hobby. As a result, I haven't really been playing the Carters much, as I have been playing the Frio family, and working on a new story (No spoilers). AS for some information on the Carters, I must say it's going rather slowly, but if I had my way, I would have about 5 chapters per day, with some exquisite writing involved also. I have some pictures from a past story, which may surface eventually. But the slowness of the Carters really bugs me.
Anywho, here are a few pictures I have edited:

And a lil' extra something Bandit16 cooked up for me over on FRS:

Sweet huh? Which of these pictures are your favorite?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Oh, Judgey, Wudgey (:(:

I think this is the link to the Carters Family Tree (:

And, wanna judge my simmy? (; After I show you a few shots of her, I will show you her husband, the daughter, then son (Beware, the daughter is an attention whore.)

Model: AnnaMaria Frio (Maiden: CaBello)

AnnaMaria started out in a trashy trailor park, and met her hubby (Can you guess who?) at the park. It tooke him weeks to set up the flame but soon they had a shotgun marriage, and right now, both are superbly happy (:

Okay? Rate: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.
Thankies! If you want, you rate the Daughter and The son, (TWINS!!!) But you can't rate The Husband bc I didnt make him. Or, tell me which outfit you like better on AnnaMaria, A,B (: A=first one, B= second one.
And now the Husband, Connor Frio!

The Daughter, Hannah Frio!
(You are allowed to rate Hannah)

And finally, Matt Frio!
(You can rate Matt. Looks just like Connor right? I think so.)
He barely ever smiles lol! Poor thing, not really. Matt and Hannah are spoiled rotten!!
And now a family picature (The twins are toddlers in this picture)

Before I go, you should know that Jared Frio has the cutest family ever. He bedded down with Jamie Jolina. Whenever I play, she usually ends up old and alone! It just warms my heart to know shes finally loved! Anyway, they have two kids, Dalma and Shannon (Dalma=Female, Shannon=Male. I know, weird. Holly Alto and Parker Langerak named one of their kids Ti-Ling. What the crap???)

Friday, September 9, 2011


IM SO SORREH! I don't care if this is the very first time you have ever seen a post.... I MISSED YOU! Excuse my lengthy absences... school work, yanno? But Im back for a few hours...... with some pics of resent game play.. sorry, no legacy stuffz :(:(:(:( its bein slow... and im impatient. we dont mix. (if anyone has any.. yanno.. tips? ;)
Heather Grey is a little girl who thought she had all... Then with one kiss... She lost it all. Her mother and Father went away.. Austin Grey (Father) took her and her brother (Nicholas Grey) away. She has no idea how to conact her mum.
Nicholas was used to it, by the time he can understand it. He understood, eventually, how people drift apart. He ended u marrying a beautiful, and smart woman named Bella Bachelor, who went on to become a lawyer. Nicholas joined the Marines, and died in the midst of battle, heriocally saving another marine. He had three daughters, Marie, Keagon, Laya, and one son, Diontaye.
Back to the past, Heather soon after moving found a friend in Mortimer Goth. She showed him her ballet moves, and he was impressed. For a Goth. She showed him more, and more. And they struck up a friendship. As teenagers, Mortimer and Heather dated on and off, but always stayed in love. Mortimer married Heather at age 24, and Heather 22, and they had their first children at 26 & 24. Twins, whom they named Ricky and Reece. (Ricky= Boy, Reece= Girl.) Mortimer became a polition, and Heather was a faithful stay at home mom. She occassionally helped out at the library, though, to support her love of books.
Heather Goth and Mortimer Goth died holding hands in their sleep, at ages 102, and 100.
Riley Goth was on a 9/11 plane, hijacked by terrorists in the U.S., that headed toward the pentagon. He and the other passengers bravely swerved the plane to save the pentagon, knowing that they would die either way. Reece Goth, still alive, grieves everday for her lost brother. Riley's wife was working just below the Twin Towers when they fell. She also died. Riley and his wife had one child, 4 at the time, who has been taken into custody by Reece. Reece has 2 children of her own, and a husband.

R.I.P every passenger/ bystander that got killed by the 9/11 tragedy. And for those who had family members killed that day, stay strong, like you have been. If a family member was on the pentagon plane, they were very brave, and you should be proud. (Riley Goth is fake... he wasnt really on that flight!)